Dr. Andrew T. Wittenberg |
Curriculum Vitae |
Ph.D. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University, June 2002 | ||
M.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University, October 1997 | ||
Bachelor of Science in Physics, summa cum laude, Oregon State University, June 1995 | ||
2021 - present | Senior Supervisory Physical Scientist and Deputy Lead, Seasonal-to-Decadal Variability and Predictability Division, NOAA/GFDL | |
2004 - 2021 | Physical Scientist, Seasonal-to-Decadal Variability and Predictability Division, NOAA/GFDL | |
2002 - 2004 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University | |
1997 - 2002 | Research Assistant with Professor George Philander, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University | |
1998 - 2000 | Teaching Assistant, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University | |
1995 - 1997 | Research Assistant with Professor Jeffrey L. Anderson, NOAA/GFDL | |
1994 - 1995 | Research Assistant with Professor William Hartmann, Physics, Michigan State University | |
1993 | Research Assistant with Professor John Gardner, Physics, Oregon State University |
2022 - 2023 | Best Scientists in the Environmental Sciences from Research.com | |
2015 - 2022 | Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
"For exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% for field and year in Geosciences over the past decade." |
2022 | NOAA Research Employee of the Year
"For groundbreaking scientific research evaluating how El Niño-Southern Oscillation events will evolve in all seasons as a result of anthropogenic climate change, with significant implications for future Atlantic hurricane season intensities and springtime tornado outbreaks in the United States." |
2022 | NOAA
Administrator's Award
"For advancing understanding of the Earth System by developing and applying NOAA's state-of-the-art Coupled Carbon-Chemistry-Climate model." |
2021 | Reuters Hot List
"The world's 1,000 most influential climate scientists... based on research papers published related to climate change; how often those papers are cited by other scientists; and how often those papers are referenced in the lay press, social media, policy papers, and other outlets." |
2016 | NOAA Research Story of the Year
For "U.S. regional tornado outbreaks and their links to spring ENSO phases and North Atlantic SST variability." by Lee, Wittenberg, Enfield, Weaver, Wang, and Atlas, Environmental Research Letters, 2016. |
2016 | GFDL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award
For "Simulation and prediction of category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the high-resolution GFDL HiFLOR coupled climate model" by Murakami, Vecchi, Underwood, Delworth, Wittenberg, Anderson, Chen, Gudgel, Harris, Lin, & Zeng, Journal of Climate, 2015. |
2014 | U.S. Department of Commerce Gold
Medal for Distinguished Achievement in the
Federal Service
"For outstanding research, leading to improved capability to predict seasonal-to-decadal variations in regional hydrological conditions and extremes." |
2013 | U.S. Department of Commerce Silver
Medal for Meritorious Federal Service
"For development and application of NOAA's first comprehensive Earth System Models that couple the carbon cycle and climate to project future changes." |
2012 | U.S. Department of Commerce Gold
Medal for Distinguished Achievement in the
Federal Service
"For original research and world scientific leadership in the modeling of atmospheric greenhouse gases and aerosols, and their interactions with climate." |
2011 | GFDL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award
For "Are historical records sufficient to constrain ENSO simulations?" by A. T. Wittenberg, Geophysical Research Letters, 2009. |
2009 | American Meteorological Society Editors' Award
"For dependably thorough, scholarly, and constructive reviews." Journal of Climate reviewer of the year for 2008. |
2008 | NOAA Outstanding Scientific Paper Award
For "System Design and Evaluation of Coupled Ensemble Data Assimilation for Global Oceanic Climate Studies" by Zhang, Harrison, Rosati, & Wittenberg, Monthly Weather Review, 2007. |
2007 | NOAA Outstanding Scientific Paper Award
For "Weakening of Tropical Pacific Atmospheric Circulation Due to Anthropogenic Forcing" by Vecchi, Soden, Wittenberg, Held, Leetmaa, & Harrison, Nature, 2006. |
2002 - 2004 | AOS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton University | |
1998 - 2001 | NASA Earth System Science Fellowship | |
1996 - 1998 | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | |
1994 - present | Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society | |
1994 - 1995 | Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society | |
1994 - 1995 | Mortar Board National Honor Society | |
1994 - 1995 | Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship | |
1994 | Rhodes Scholarship Finalist | |
1993, 1994, 1995 | Paul Copson Memorial Scholar, Oregon State University | |
1992, 1993, 1994 | Waldo-Cummings Outstanding Student Award | |
1992, 1993, 1994 | Drucilla Smith Scholastic Award | |
1991 - 1995 | Presidential Scholar, Oregon State University | |
1991 - 1995 | National Merit Scholar |
9/1/2023 - 8/31/2026 | Developing dynamically constrained projections of ENSO activity
and associated coastal hazards: An application to the Hawaiian and
US-affiliated Pacific Islands (NOAA MAPP) Co-PI, with F.-F. Jin (lead), J. Boucharel, M. Stuecker, and S. Zhao |
9/1/2022 - 8/31/2025 | Understanding equatorial Pacific climate processes via hierarchical
coupled modeling (NOAA CPO #GC22-207) Lead PI, with B. Reichl, F. Zeng, F. Lu, and A. Adcroft |
5/1/2019 - 4/30/2022 | Understanding dynamics and thermodynamics of ENSO and its complexity
simulated by E3SM and other climate models (DOE #965088057)
Co-PI, with F.-F. Jin (lead) and S. Xie |
9/1/2014 - 8/31/2017 | Understanding tropical Pacific biases in climate simulations and initialized predictions (NOAA CPO #GC14-250a)
Lead PI, with Y. Xue, G. Vecchi, T. Delworth, and A. Kumar |
9/15/2014 - 9/14/2017 | Understanding ENSO diversity and changes in climate models and observations (DOE #DE-SC0005110)
Co-PI, with F.-F. Jin (lead) and A. Timmermann |
9/15/2010 - 9/14/2013 | Assessing ENSO regime changes in a changing climate (DOE #103155)
Co-PI, with F.-F. Jin (lead) and A. Timmermann |
2023 - present | NOAA/CVP TPOS Pre-Field II Study Team | 2017 - present | NOAA TPOS2020 Implementation Strategy Team |
2020 - present | Working Group on Conceptual Models of ENSO, International CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel | |
2023 - present | Scientific Committee, Symposium on El Niño/Southern Oscillation: Past, Present and Future; Celebrating the Scientific Legacy of Klaus Wyrtki. East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 12-14 2025. | |
2024 - 2025 | Organizing Committee, GFDL External Review | 2024 | Contributing author, Science Plan, TPOS Equatorial Pacific Experiment (TEPEX) |
2019 - 2023 | International CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel | |
2022 | Co-chair, El Niño in a Changing Climate I-IV, Session PL02, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 24 February - 4 March 2022. (held virtually) | |
2015 - 2021 | Backbone Task Team, Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) 2020 | |
2020 | Writing team, Model Systematic Errors and Limitations, NOAA Precipitation Prediction Grand Challenge Strategy | |
2020 | Co-chair, El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate I-IV, OS018, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 9 December 2020. (held virtually) | |
2019 | GFDL External Review Agenda Team | |
2019 | Co-author, The GFDL 5-10 Year Strategic Science Plan | |
2013 - 2018 | Co-chair, ENSO in a Changing Climate (International CLIVAR Research Focus) | |
2015 - 2018 | Modeling and Data Assimilation Task Team, Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) 2020 | |
2018 | Co-chair, Scientific Committee, IV International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation: ENSO in a Warmer Climate, CLIVAR Workshop, FIEC, ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16-18 October 2018. Outline. | |
2016 | Contributing Author, TPOS 2020 Second Report | |
2017 | Scientific Organizing Committee, ENSO Complexity Workshop, IBS Center for Climate Physics, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea, 16-20 October 2017. | |
2017 | Co-chair, Mechanisms and Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Tropical Pacific Decadal Variations and Trends, Session #26317, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. | |
2017 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2016 | Contributing Author, TPOS 2020 First Report | |
2016 | Co-chair, Real-Time Observations and Analysis of the Strong 2015/16 El Niño Event, A089 (Session #13024), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. | |
2016 | Co-chair, ENSO Dynamics, Observations, and Predictability, A048 (Session #12402), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. | |
2016 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2016 | Co-chair, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity in a Changing Climate, PC005 (Session #7567), 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. | |
2012 - 2015 | Working Group on ENSO Diversity, US CLIVAR | |
2015 | Co-chair, Fourth CLIVAR workshop on the Evaluation of ENSO in Climate Models: ENSO in a Changing Climate. Paris, France. | |
2015 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2014 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2008 - 2013 | Working Group on ENSO Metrics, International CLIVAR Pacific Panel | |
2013 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2012 - 2013 | Contributing Author, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Working Group I, Chapter 14 | |
2012 - 2013 | Expert Reviewer, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Working Group I, Chapters 2, 5, 9, and 14 | |
2012 | Co-chair, Five Controversies in Climate Science, A symposium honoring the contributions of S. George Philander. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 6-7 September 2012. | |
2012 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2010 - 2012 | Co-chair, GFDL Formal Seminar Series (Fall 2010 - Summer 2012). | |
2011 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1/CL2.19, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2006 - 2011 | Co-chair, GFDL Coupled Model Development Team (CMDT) | |
2002 - 2011 | GFDL Coupled Model Development Team (CMDT) | |
2002 - 2011 | GFDL Global Atmospheric Model Development Team (GAMDT) | |
2002 - 2011 | GFDL Ocean Model Development Team (OMDT) | |
2010 | Co-chair, New Strategies for Evaluating ENSO Processes in Climate Models, CLIVAR Workshop, Paris, France, 17-19 November 2010. | |
2010 | Co-chair, ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling, Session NP2.1/CL2.19, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. | |
2003 - 2009 | US CLIVAR Working Group on Correcting Tropical Biases | |
2008 | Co-chair, ENSO and Global Change: Past, Present, and Future, Session A11, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. | |
2005 | Review Panelist, NOAA Climate Variability and Predictability proposal review panel | |
2002 - 2005 | Ocean Data Assimilation for Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction (ODASI), a NOAA/CDEP consortium. |
2002 - present | American Geophysical Union | |
2021 - present | American Meteorological Society |
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2000 - present | Frequent contributor to Ferret analysis software, and its user's group | |
2004 - 2006 | Board Member, GFDL Employees' Association | |
2000 | TAO buoy operations, NOAA Research Vessel Ka'imimoana | |
1997 | Summer School on Inverse Methods and Data Assimilation, OSU | |
1996 | Workshop on Science for Tomorrow, Hokkaido, Japan | |
1994 - 1995 | President, Society of Physics Students, OSU | |
1994 - 1995 | OSU Science Student Council (Physics Representative) | |
1993 - 1995 | Software engineer and language tutor, English Language Institute, OSU | |
1995 | Mentor, OSU Children's Motor Fitness Clinic | |
1993 - 1994 | President, McNary Residence Hall, OSU | |
1993 - 1995 | President, McNary Jugglers, OSU | |
1993 | Database Programmer, Microflect Co., Inc., Salem, Oregon (now Valmont Industries) | |
1992 - 1993 | Physics and math tutor, OSU |
Research keywords:
Personal Interests: parenting, bicycling, hiking, skiing, running, genealogy, juggling, ballroom dancing
Last updated: 7 September 2024