#!/bin/csh -f # Usage: ps_thicken ps_file factor # Thickens lines in a PostScript file by changing the linewidth macro, # Result goes to standard output. # # Author: Andrew Wittenberg # Version dated 18 January 1998 # get list of all arguments set args = ($*) # if not enough arguments, complain. if ($#args < 2) then echo "Usage: ps_thicken ps_file factor" echo "Thickens all lines in a PostScript file by changing the linewidth macro." echo "Result goes to standard output." echo "Example: ps_thicken myfile.ps 3 > myfile_thick.ps" exit 1 endif sed -e "s/^\/lw {\(.*\) div setlinewidth/\/lw {$2 mul \1 div setlinewidth/" $1