Phase composites and process-oriented diagnosis of MJO teleconnections

Phase composites and process-oriented diagnosis of MJO teleconnections

The teleconnection diagnostics first generate maps of MJO phase composites of 250 hPa geopotential height and precipitation for observations and several CMIP5 models, putting behavior of the candidate model within this cloud of models and observations. Then, average teleconnection performance across all MJO phases defined using a pattern correlation of geopotential height anomalies is assessed relative to 1) MJO simulation skill and 2) biases in the North Pacific jet zonal winds to determine reasons for possible poor teleconnections. Performance of the candidate model is assessed relative to a cloud of observations and CMIP5 simulations.

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Phase composites and process oriented diagonosis of MJO teleconnections

Anomalous geopotential height and precipitation phase composites

Phases (1 - 4) 1 2 3 4
Phases (5 - 8) 5 6 7 8

Process oriented diagnostic

Teleconnection skills v/s MJO skills plot
Teleconnection skills v/s Mean state skills plot