MJO Propagation and Amplitude Diagnostic (Jiang, UCLA)

MJO Propagation and Amplitude Diagnostic (Jiang, UCLA)

This MJO propagation and amplitude diagnostic metrics is mainly motivated by recent multi‐ model studies that model skill in representing eastward propagation of the MJO is closely related to model winter mean low‐level moisture pattern over the Indo‐Pacific region, and the model MJO amplitude tends to be tightly associated with the moisture convective adjustment time scale. This package is designed to provide further independent verifcation of these above processes based on new GCM siumulations.

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Diagnostics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation


Rainfall Hovmoller Diagram (Indian Ocean) plot plot
Rainfall Hovmoller Diagram (Western Pacific) plot plot
900-650hPa winter mean specific humidity plot plot
MJO eastward propagation vs 900-650hPa winter mean specific humidity pattern plot
MJO amplitude vs Convective moisture adjustment time-scale plot